Sunday, October 30, 2011

New Artists In Plain View!

Two new artists not yet up on the website are KEVIN FRIEDRICH and HELGA SCHULTE-SCHROEER.
Here are images of their work. Kevin's is at the top and Helga's below.

Visit Kevin at:
300-68 Higgins Ave. (shares studio with Andrea von Wichert)
Phone: (204) 786-1451

Kevin Friedrich was born in Meadowlake Saskatchewan and attended his first 2 years of art school at Red Deer College before completing his BFA in painting at the U of M and making his permanent home in Winnipeg. Kevin’s work has been described as ‘Prairie Surrealism’ and includes an evolving repertoire of personal symbols and styles. Through many stylistic avenues, such as folk and absurdist, his paintings give rise to charismatically inconclusive statements that are engaging and highly thought provoking. 

And Helga at:

Helga Schulte-Schroeer

1611 Pritchard Ave.




Helga focuses on the old craft of handfelting. She specializes in the nuno technique, highlighting the natural affinity of wool and silk combinations. Her functional and decorative work reflects the inherent beauty and variety of the materials.

These artists are joining us for the In Plain View Winnipeg self-guided Studio Tour that takes place next weekend, Nov. 5& 6, from noon till 5 pm.

They look forward to meeting you and showing their studios and their work.
Please add them to your tour route.

To discover all the other artists who are going to be on the tour go to our website for the line-up and maps.

Wayne Arthur Gallery
186 Provencher Blvd
Invites you to
Manitoba Works
Wildlife and Landscapes by Cheryl Gilarksi
Opening Friday, November 4
Artist reception, Friday, November 4, from 7 to 9 PM
Additional hours: Saturday, November 5, 11 AM – 5 PM
Sunday, November 6, 12 PM – 5 PM
Web site:
For more information
Call Bev at 477-5249

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