Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Flood - In Plain View

Back in business - just in time to monitor the flooding Assiniboine River at the foot of my back yard. I'm estimating how high it has to go before it gets into my studio, which is lower than my house. So far, so good.
Lots of news since I last blogged.
In Plain View Winnipeg had its AGM in February and we will be going ahead with our plans to hold an exhibition of members' work in May at Wayne Arthur Gallery.
And on the first weekend of June - 4th and 5th - we will be holding our spring artists' tour.

So two dates to look out for:

and .............


"Images in Glass with Roger Thomas"
September 1-4
Tuition $800 plus GST with all materials included.
      This 4 day workshop focuses on design and process for landscape in fused glass, as Roger Thomas from Portland Oregon will share his techniques and philosophy of his Glass Paintings. Roger is known to students of glass for his varied and unusual glass fusing techniques with which he creates his art. During this class the student will complete four landscape samples, as Roger discusses and demonstrates how he creates color, depth and translucency in his work. Students should have some glass cutting experience as well as having taken a beginner glass fusing course.
        To see some examples of Rogers art and techniques check out his web site We’re sure you will be as amazed as we are by his ability to capture amazing detail and depth in his art glass. 
Prairie Stained Glass and School of Craft/ 587 Sargent Ave/ Winnipeg, Mb R3B 1W6/204-783-1117    


Wayne Arthur Gallery

186 Provencher Blvd

Invites you to
The New Landscape:

A Continuing Series of Mixed Media on Rust Collagraph Prints

By Bob Hainstock

From April 1 to April 27,

Hours: Tuesday to Saturday 11AM to 5 PM
Web site:


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