Thursday, September 30, 2010

Autumn and Artist Studio Tours In Plain View

The crunch of fallen leaves underfoot heralds the changing seasons. Leaving behind the slow, long, warm summer days and BANG! into frantic preparations for the oncoming winter.
It's always something of a shock, isn't it? Where did summer go? What happened to our sunlit summer evenings?
But what beautiful visual vistas! The trees donning robes of gold and orange. Gradually shedding them to display their limbs in diaphanous veils.

But enough of that - On to the news.
The new In Plain View Winnipeg brochures are here! They will be hitting the stands soon. To get your hands on one, check out our website and call an artist near you to pick up a brochure.

Our Website:
Here you can find all the information about our artists, their work and vision. You can also access maps that help you find where the studios and artist-run galleries are located.

The Next Artist Tour will be on the 1st weekend in November - the 6th&7th.
All studios will be open from noon till 5pm.

Come out and support your local artists. Visit their homes and studios and
see where creative inspiration begins. 
Katharine Bruce

         KICK ASS art show/sale

 Thursday, Sept. 30, 5-8 pm

at Lazy Monk - 843 Corydon @Lilac

This is the OPENING for KICK ASS artist Katharine Bruce show of paintings. It will be up for the month of OCTOBER
Wed-Saturday 1-5pm


Life Structures & Other Personalities by Jordan MIller, 364 Artworks
Opening Reception October 1*, 7:30-11 pm; free

Additional Hours: Tuesday Through Saturday, 12-5;
Monday* & Thursday Evenings, 6-10 pm *closed Thanksgiving Monday*
Exhibition closes October 12, 5 pm
Artist Statement:
Predominant themes from my past exhibitions regarding life, time, and relationships have resurfaced in Life Structures & Other Personalities, an exhibition of 364 mixed media/collage works and stitched 'personalities'. Each work represents a day in our daily life.
Overall, "Life Structures” is a personal reflection and commentary on how people's lives differ, how busy we all are, how much or little we appreciate what we have, and how easily we can push away important aspects of life—joyful moments and people we cherish.

“Other Personalities” is a playful interpretation of stitched hands interacting like bodies, some of which are abstracted and morphed into humorous or serious characters.
Inspired and guided by both beautiful and devastating images, this series was created as a representation of the lives of others, a concerned reaction to the environment, and an emotional response to the moment in which it was created. 


 Wayne Arthur Gallery
186 Provencher Blvd

Invites you to
Paintings and Stories by Naomi Gerrard and Lori Zébière
From October 5 to November 2,
Artist reception Thursday, October 7 from 6:30 to 8:30 PM,
Hours: Tuesday to Saturday 11AM to 5 PM

Web site:

For more information
Call Bev at 477-5249
About the show
HERSTORY - Canadian Painters Naomi Gerrard and Lori Zébière explore life experiences, beliefs, loves, losses, hopes and dreams from the female perspective. They invite you to share in their unique stories, and then to ponder your own. If you were to tell your story, what would it be?
