This is my favorite time of year. I love it when the small leaves on the trees create that soft green veil around the branches. Each tree looks like a primavera goddess – a true spring bride.
These lissome beings dance in the wind all along my riverbank, their limbs clothed in transparent green gauze. It isn’t difficult to understand why the ancients believed that trees were inhabited by supernatural beings.
I have lots of trees in my yard. In fact I often say that I live in a small forest on Wolseley Ave.
Four years ago, I had to have my favorite tree cut down. It nearly broke my heart.
It was a huge basswood, towering over my house – taller than any other tree in Winnipeg, I think.
It had five large boles, each as great around as the trunks of individual elm trees growing along Wolseley. They all branched off from a huge trunk that must have been about 30 feet in circumference.
When the tree-cutters came I asked them to leave a high stump. So there it stands, an altar to treedom – 6 feet high and 25 feet around.
The wonderful thing is that it is still alive! It has produced several young trees from suckers, ringing it round and two of them have reached a height of 20 feet or more. Last year they managed to produce flowers and I look forward to even more this spring. I have missed the heavenly smell of basswood flowers in my back yard since the big one was cut down. I will enjoy them again, as well as the low hum of bees in the branches, They probably travelled miles to harvest the nectar.
And here is an invitation from Medea Gallery.

Nancy Blokland invites you to the
May 6 and 7th from 11 am -1:30 pm both days
Portage Place Shopping Center
Edmonton Court (under the clock)
Vases, bowls, mugs and many other items
perfect for Mother's Day etc...
204-799-3792 e-mail
186 Provencher Blvd
Invites you to
Minis, Not Quite Miniatures: From the Drawer and New Small Works
Mixed media and acrylic by
H. RogueRaiders
May 2 to June 2, 2010
Opening Sunday, May 2, 1 to 4 PM
Hours: Tuesday to Saturday 11AM to 5PM
Web site:
For more information
Call Bev at 477-5249
A friend of a friend is looking for a home for these three beautiful dogs (weimeraners). She's moving west and isn't able to take them with her and if she can't find homes for them, will be forced to consider euthanasia. It is breaking her heart and I want to do all that I can to help.
The three dogs are:
3 year old female (blue)
9 month old male (blue)
4 year old male (grey)
All are neutered/spayed and have been well cared for. The three dogs are all crate/house trained, well mannered. She takes them to the dog park and walks them all together - in one hand! :)
If you are looking for a dog or know someone who is, please let me know and I will pass along the contact information.
e-mail Jo'Anne at
All artists In Plain View are gearing up to get ready for our next tour.
This will take place on June 5 & 6, all over the city. It's a self-guided tour of Winnipeg artist studios and galleries and you can go to our website to get more information about us and our tour:
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