Gloria De Neve was born in Green Bay, Manitoba . She graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the University of Manitoba, followed by studies with the British Craftsman Association in England and Wales.
Gloria says about her work:
I use the human body as my imagery, to explore this balance and tension. As each person's lifetime is journeyed, the evolution of the soul is etched in one's own "Spirit Shield", which never dies, which carries on from one lifetime to another. My Raku forms have evolved into expressions of the Spirit Shield, and the search for these higher truths.
My work reflects this search within the sculptural and embellishment possibilities found in both Raku clay and hand-painted, manipulated silk fibre. Both mediums offer a similar tactile process of touch and movement.Gloria and artist, Gina Roth ( from Hillside Beach ), will be having an upcoming show of their recent work at the Wayne Arthur Gallery ( 186 Provencher Blvd., Winnipeg ).
The exhibition, "Life's Journeys", runs from October 4th - 28th, with the Artist Reception on October 4th, from 1:00 - 4:00 pm.
Remember our In Plain View artists' studio tours which will take place on the first weekends of November and December 2009 (and there will be another the first weekend of next June)
Go to our website: http://www.inplainviewwinnipeg.com/.
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